Wednesday, December 31, 2008
PENN AND TELLER tell it like it is .... Time for a New American Revolution?
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 12:30 AM 0 comments
North American Union - Goodbye U.S.A. Hello New World Order 1 Of 3 - Lou Dobbs gets it ... American Patriot he is ...
FIGHT THE COMING NORTH AMERICAN UNION and the AMERO replacing the Dollar ....
double click video to find videos 2 and 3 on this if your interested in more ....
open your mind .... look around ... use your brain .... American is being dismantled form within ...
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 12:14 AM 0 comments
New World Order Being Taught In Schools! A 15 year old that gets it ... one of the few
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 12:11 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
2009: The Year Ahead - NO MORE CRY BABIES!
There are two realities "out there" now competing for verification among those who think about national affairs and make things happen. The dominant one (let's call it the Status Quo) is that our problems of finance and economy will self-correct and allow the project of a "consumer" economy to resume in "growth" mode. This view includes the idea that technology will rescue us from our fossil fuel predicament -- through "innovation," through the discovery of new techno rescue remedy fuels, and via "drill, baby, drill" policy. This view assumes an orderly transition through the current "rough patch" into a vibrant re-energized era of "green" Happy Motoring and resumed Blue Light Special shopping.
The minority reality (let's call it The Credit Party is OVER) says that it is necessary to make radically new arrangements for daily life and rather soon. It says that a campaign to sustain the unsustainable will amount to a tragic squandering of our dwindling resources. It says that the "consumer" era of economics is over, that suburbia will lose its value, that the automobile will be a diminishing presence in daily life, that the major systems we've come to rely on will founder, and that the transition between where we are now and where we are going is apt to be tumultuous.
My own view is obviously the latter as I am in the minority.
Since the change it proposes is so severe, it naturally generates exactly the kind of cognitive dissonance that paradoxically reinforces the Status Quo view, especially the deep wishes associated with saving all the familiar, comfortable trappings of life as we have known it. The dialectic between the two realities can't be sorted out between the stupid and the bright, or even the altruistic and the selfish. The various tech industries are full of MIT-certified, high-achiever Status Quo techno-triumphalists who are convinced that electric cars or diesel-flavored algae excreta will save suburbia, the three thousand mile Caesar salad, and the theme park vacation. The environmental movement, especially at the elite levels found in places like Aspen, is full of Harvard graduates who believe that all the drive-in espresso stations in America can be run on a combination of solar and wind power. I quarrel with these people incessantly. It seems especially tragic to me that some of the brightest people I meet are bent on mounting the tragic campaign to sustain the unsustainable in one way or another. But I have long maintained that life is essentially tragic in the sense that history won't care if we succeed or fail at carrying on the project of civilization.
While the public supposedly voted for "change" this fall, I maintain that they underestimate the changes really at hand. I voted for "change" myself in pulling the lever for Ron Paul. I regard him as a figure of intelligence and sensibility as well as a TRUE PATRIOT.
Where We Are Now
Without reviewing all the vertiginous particulars of the year now ending, suffice it to say that the US economy fell on its ass and that the "global economy" did a face-plant as well. The American banking sector imploded spectacularly to the degree that investment banking actually went extinct -- as if a meteor landed on the corner of Madison Avenue and 51st Street. The response by our government was to shovel "loans" onto the loading dock of every organization that pretended to be something like a bank, while "bailing out" an ever-longer line of corporate claimants with a pitiable song-and-dance. The oil markets went on a roller coaster ride. The housing bubble collapse grew to avalanche velocity (taking out whole colonies of realtors, mortgage brokers, and construction contractors in its path), the commercial real estate sector developed hemorrhagic fever, retail drove off a cliff on Christmas Eve, the stock market fell in the toilet, jobs and incomes went up in a vapor, and tens of millions of ordinary citizens addicted to revolving credit found themselves in a life-and-death struggle for the means of existence. None of this is over yet.
The Year Ahead
Much of what has been lost in 2008 will not be recovered: enterprises, personal fortunes, chattels, reputations.
I expect a period of euphoria to mark the early weeks, perhaps months, of the Obama team. Some will feel it will be a relief to have a president who speaks English correctly and has experienced something like real life prior to politics. Restoring credibility and legitimacy in leadership will be a big deal to those. If nothing else, we may recover a collective sense of consequence from a president whom they feel tells the truth, even the harsh truth. The age when it was enough to claim that "mistakes were made" might be over. A sign of this sort of change may be the commencement of prosecutions for misdeeds in banking and securities that are now destroying the entire system of deployable capital.
A good place to start will be an investigation of Henry Paulson for insider trading stemming from Goldman Sachs's shorting of its own issued mortgage-backed securities when Mr. Paulson was the company's CEO. Beyond his case, there should be enough work at Attorney General Eric Holder's office to employ a line of law school graduates stretching from Brattle Street to the planet Mars. It will be salutary for the nation to see those who engineered the banking collapse come to greater grief than the mere surrender of their Gulfstream jets and Hamptons villas. By the way, as far as conspiracy theories, I don't believe for a minute that there is some kind of shadow elite of "Bilderburgers" standing in the background to protect these grifters this time as the masses might be finally awoken -- and I also believe the reason these paranoid notions persist is because it is otherwise hard to account for the extravagant irresponsibility of the national government since 1913 and the passing of the Federal Reserve Act.
Apart from "cleaning up Dodge," so to speak, and from issues of collective character-and conscience-in-office, I worry that the avalanche of troubles already ongoing will overwhelm Mr. Obama and his people. It's also well worth worrying whether they will pursue policies similar in kind to the ones pursued by both Bush's and Clinton, namely throwing money at everything and anything, and it sure looks like they are planning to do just that. I am especially concerned about an "infrastructure stimulus" project aimed at highway improvement at the expense of public transit. This would be the epitome of a campaign to sustain the unsustainable.
We need to begin planning right away for a transition away from automobiles, not in order to be good socialists but because Happy Motoring is at the core of our unsustainability trap. The car system is going to fail in manifold ways whether we like it or not, and it will fail due to circumstances already underway. For one thing, it will cease to be democratic as the remnants of the middle class find it impossible to get car loans, or pay for fuel, or insurance, and that will set in motion a very impressive politics-of-grievance setting apart those who are still able to enjoy motoring and those who have been foreclosed from it. Contrary to what you might make of the the current situation in the oil markets, we are in for a heap of trouble with both the price and supply of petroleum (more on this below). And there is no chance in hell that any techno rescue remedy to keep all the cars running by other means will materialize.
A consensus in the blogoshpere says that the stock markets will rebound strongly during the first Obama months. This is possible just on the basis of pure "animal spirits," but the Obama Bounce will occur against a background of continued dismal business and financial news. It will appear to defy that news. By May of 2009, the stock markets will resume crashing with the ultimate destination of a Dow 4000 before the end of the year. Meanwhile, jobs will vanish by the millions and companies will go bankrupt by the thousands, especially in the so-called service sector, and in all the suppliers of such, along with the landlords in all the malls and strip malls. The desolation will mount quickly and will be obvious in the empty storefronts and trash-filled parking lagoons. In the event, two things will become increasingly clear to the nation: that the consumer economy is dead, and that there is no more available credit of the kind that Americans are in the habit of enjoying.
We'll turn around early in 2009 and discover that we are a much poorer nation than we thought because from now on credit will be extremely hard to get for anyone for anything. The businesses that survive will have to keep going on the basis of accounts receivable. This is the area where the crash of giants will be heard.
Comprehensive downscaling in all our activities, from farming to business to schooling to governance, will be the categorical imperative of the years ahead. Giant enterprises requiring giant loans to get from quarter to quarter will tend to not make it. Borrowing from the future will become a practical impossibility as past bad debts from previous borrowings continue to unwind, cease performing, and get written off. This argument implies that the federal government will tend to flounder just as General Motors, Citicorp, Target Stores and other gigantic enterprises will tend to flounder. It would be sad to see a President Obama so hamstrung and helpless, and it is largely why I see his role as largely symbolic -- as a reassuring presence encouraging the distressed public to bravely bear their hardships, and to be kind and helpful among their neighbors.
Households, like businesses, will have to pay as they go from earned income. The house as ATM is over. Credit cards are maxed out and credit ceilings are lowering like the ceiling in "The Pit and the Pendulum," preparing to slice-and-dice the old "normal" of family life in America. Bankruptcy will be the new Nascar. A lot of families will lose everything. They will sift and disperse into the housing owned by other family members -- parents, siblings -- and a strange new not-altogether comfortable kind of togetherness will become common. Over time, a lot of people will go looking for casual work "under-the-table"( and probably low-paying). To some degree, these workers will begin to look and act like a new servant class, and before too long they may be absorbed into the households of people who employ them. There will be plenty of room for them there.
Counties, municipalities, and states will join in the bankruptcy fiesta. It would be reasonable to expect collapsing services as a result. This would be a situation fraught with danger -- of rising crime, of public health emergencies as water systems are not kept up and sewage treatment becomes unaffordable. I don't imagine the federal government stepping into every Podunk or Metropolis from sea to shining sea and propping up these services. People will have to cope with danger and deprivation.
2009 may be the point where we begin to understand what kinds of places will be more hospitable to human society further ahead. I maintain that our giant urban metroplexes have way overshot their sustainable scale and will contract severely. With all the economic hardship, we ought to expect a lot of demographic churning, people leaving hopeless places and moving on to something more promising. I believe we will see them move to smaller towns and smaller cities. The reorganization of the rural landscape into smaller-scaled farms has not begun to occur -- though 2009 might be very hard on agribusiness, given the shortage of capital and if oil begins to march up in price by late winter. Eventually, the rural landscape will require the labor of many more people than is currently the case. Whatever else happens, 2009 will surely see a massive return to home gardening as budgets become strained to the extreme. As the New Urbanist Andres Duany said recently, "Gardening is the new Golf!"
The Oil Scene
Many were stunned this year to witness the parabolic rise and fall of oil prices up to nearly $150 and then back around $36 by Christmas time. Quite a ride. As I said in previous postings -volatility would be the hallmark of post peak oil because it was obvious that advanced economies could not absorb super high prices and would crash in response; that at some point after crashing, these economies would respond to the new lower oil price, resume their cheap oil habits, and build to another price rise. . . and crash again. . . in a declension of ever-lower industrial activity.
What I probably didn't realize at the time was how destructive this cycling between low-high-and-low oil prices would actually be in the first instance of it, and what a toll it would take right off the bat. We can see now that our first journey through the cycle took out the most fragile of the complex systems we depend on: capital finance. As a result, a huge amount of capital (say $14 trillion) has evaporated out of the system, never to be seen again (and never to be deployed for productive purposes). It will be harder for the USA to rebound from the grievous injury to this crucial part of the overall system, and Europe has foundered similarly -- though the European nations are not burdened to the same degree by the awful liabilities of suburbia.
Even if these advanced economies -- throw in Japan too -- remain moribund, the price and supply prospects for oil look ominous. My own guess is that the price of oil has overshot on the low end just as it overshot on the high end, and that, when all is said and done, we'll still see an upwardly trending price line over the long haul. The plunge, which began right after the $147 peak in July 2008, was as much the result of banks, hedge funds, and individuals dumping oil investments and positions to raise cash as it was a matter of the markets predicting a sharp fall-off in economic activity (and supposedly oil consumption).
The truth is that demand destruction for oil in the USA has been surprising mild compared to the drop in price. Jim Hansen's Master Resource Report says that gasoline consumption dropped from 9.29 million barrels a day in 2007 to 8.99 million barrels a day for 2008. That's not much of a fall-off, especially compared to the price drop.
As Julian Darley of the Post Carbon Institute put it recently: "There won't be any energy bail-out." And, as many other people have noted, the recent plunge in oil prices strongly implies future supply destruction, since so many planned oil projects have been suspended or cancelled because they are economic losers at $40-a-barrel (or even $70). Even projects well underway, such as Canadian tar sand production, have been scaled back or shut down because they don't make sense at current prices. Some of these other newer projects will now never get underway -- they have missed their window of opportunity with so much capital leaving the system -- and so the hope of offsetting very-near-future depletions in old giant oil fields looks dimmer and dimmer.
Those depletions are very serious. For instance, Mexico's super-giant Cantarell oil field, the second-largest ever discovered after Saudi Arabia's Ghawar field, has shown a 30 percent depletion rate in the past year alone. (Pemex had forecast a 15 percent rate entering the year.) Cantarell provides over 60 percent of Mexico's total production, and Mexico is America's third largest source of imports -- just after Saudi Arabia (#2) and Canada (#1). Obviously, Mexico soon will lose its ability to export oil, and as that occurs, America is going to feel more than pinch -- more like a two-by-four upside the head. In short, remorseless depletion is underway and we are less likely now than even a year ago, to make up for it.
At some point, then, demand, even if slightly lower, will catch up with declining supply. My prediction for 2009 is that we will see two things occur, possibly at the same time: a resumption of rising prices, and spot shortages. I say this because the global economic fiasco is sure to produce geopolitical friction, and inasmuch as America has to import almost three-quarters of the oil we use, the prospect for trouble is great.
The tragic part of all this, of course, is that the temporary plunge in oil prices has prompted an incurious American public to assume, once again, that the global oil predicament is some kind of a fraud. Given the flood tide of fraud they have been subject to in banking and investment matters, I suppose you can't blame them from thinking that everything is some kind of a scam. Given feeble car sales this season, there are reports that an increasing percentage of those sold now are are trucks and SUVs.
Though I give Boone Pickens high marks for stepping up to the leadership plate, I'm not altogether on board with his energy proposal for swapping natural gas for gasoline in motor fuels while we swap out wind power for natural gas in electric power generation. I don't believe that the ballyhooed shale-gas-plays of the last few years will prove-out long-term, as some huckster's claim. They are expensive to drill and run, and they all tend to deplete very quickly -- around one year. I'm not convinced we have the capital or the resources even to come up with the steel necessary to drill for it.
In the meantime, there are still those who hope (as described above) that various systems will insure the continuation of Happy Motoring. This is an idle hope, and 2009 will be very sobering for those who imagine that hybrid cars, or electric cars, or "air" cars, or natural gas cars, or any other kind of car technology will save the day. Even if President Obama mounts an "infrastructure stimulus" program, it will not keep up with all the necessary routine road repair that our highway system requires. The extreme financial hardship faced by localities and states insures that they will have to postpone a lot of expensive highway maintenance -- even if the federal government fixes a big bunch of bridges and tunnels -- and so we face the interesting prospect that our roadway systems will enter their own deadly zone of systemic failure even before the whole car issue is settled.
I am waiting to see whether Mr. Obama will undertake a restoration of passenger railroad service. I've said enough about this in the past, but it's worth reiterating that a failure to get comprehensive passenger rail service going will be a sign of how fundamentally unserious we are as a nation.
The Specter of Inflation
This is the "other shoe" that a lot of people are waiting to drop. Right now we are caught up in a compressive debt deflation as mortgages stop "performing" and loans of all kinds are welshed on. Since money is loaned into existence, and a great many loans are not being repaid, then a lot of money is going out of existence. That's what I mean when I say that capital is leaving the system. At the same time, the Federal Reserve has made good on its promise to drop money from helicopters if necessary to prevent an implosion of the banking system (as all that older money goes out of existence), and so it's now a question as to when the amount of new money will exceed the disappeared old money. (Of course when I say money, I mean "money," because we are dealing here in a shadow realm of assumed value.) In any case, there is bound to be a lag period between the time that the Fed's money is dropped from the choppers and the time it actually filters through the banks and other recipients to the so-called "real economy" of people who buy and sell real things. The credible estimates I hear run between six and 18 months.
I'll only venture to guess that we could see the start of serious inflation sometime in 2009. To some extent, all currencies are now free-falling together, some at slightly faster rates than others, but the situation of the US dollar is so grotesquely dire, and our structural imbalances so monumental, that it is hard to imagine that our currency will not win the international race to the bottom. Gold resumed its movement upward against the dollar a week before Christmas, and that may be an early sign. The government -- and anyone badly in debt -- benefits much more from inflation than deflation, so every effort will be made to avert the latter. The trouble lies in the government's dumb incapacity to control dangerous things that it sets in motion, so that an inflationary campaign to avoid compressive deflation can so easily lead to a fiasco of super or hyper inflation -- the kind that kills governments and turns societies into murderous monsters. I'll forecast the that the US dollar is worth 40 percent of its current value by next Christmas.
Well, now, who the hell knows what's in store. Aside from a few bombs here and there, and pirates skulking around the horn of Africa, the world scene was miraculously free of major incidents in 2008 -- perhaps the worst being a toss up between the September Mumbai bombings and the fiasco in Georgia, where the US prompted Georgia President Mikheil Saakashvili to send troops into the South Ossetia region and the move was answered by overwhelming force from neighboring Russia, leaving the US looking feckless and retarded for our troubles. But otherwise, there wasn't a whole lot of action out there.
Until the last few days of the year, that is. I'm sure the ever-growing cohort of American anti-semites who send me emails will be tickled when I assert that the Hamas rocket attacks against Israel of recent days guaranteed a sharp response from Israel -- and now, of course, Hamas is playing the crybaby card: "... what'd we do to deserve this...?" Well, you fucking fired a bunch rockets into Israel. Did you ever hear of cause-and-effect? This matter requires no further elucidation, except that it seems to suggest a ramping back up of hostilities. I wonder if it is the beginning of a new coordinated offensive by Islamic extremism aimed at taking advantage of the West's current economic plight (and the West's probable aversion to anything that will complicate its desired recovery). We'll know in a month or so, I think, since any coordinated campaign (if such a thing were possible) might well be aimed at confounding the new American president.
The other hot corner of the world right now is the India-Pakistan border where the 60-year-old rivalry, which has already produced three wars, looks to be gearing up for yet another round. I'm not the first one to say that Pakistan is an extremely dangerous regional player, being an economic basket case, possessing a score or so of nuclear bombs, harboring more Islamic fundamentalist maniacs than any other place in the world, and having a government held together with duct tape and twine. The caper in Mumbai last September could well have been construed as an act of war, but somehow India kept its head. Who knows where this is going. . . .
So far I have only described what is already obviously going on. Add to this the likelihood that Iran is closer to achieving membership in the atomic weapon club. They've been spinning their centrifuges all year and nobody has done anything about it. My guess is that neither the US nor Israel will attempt to take out their facilities in the year ahead. If Iran used a nuclear device against Israel, or anybody else, they would be asking to become, in turn, the world's largest ashtray. End of story. A different story, though, is how Iran might behave if and when the US Military presence in Iraq is reduced. I can imagine Iran doing anything possible surreptitiously to gain control over Iraq's southern oil regions around Basra, but even the Iraqi Shia don't like the Iranian Shia that much. Anyway, iran's economy has suffered hugely from the fall in oil prices. That nation may be in for more internal trouble than they have seen in thirty years since the Shah was tossed out by the minions of Ayatollah Khomeini.
There's been a lot of sentiment the past year that as the US and the Europe fall into economic disarray, China would emerge as the great new hegemonic superpower. While it's come a long way in a quarter-century, China's internal problems are still enormous and worsening. They're in trouble with water, food imports, mass unemployment, and energy. They have locked in some oil contracts around the world, but they are still susceptible to vagaries in the oil markets and Black Swan events. As the US consumer economy falls into a coma, and the shipping containers from China to WalMart get sparser, the Chinese government will face the wrath of millions of unemployed workers. I believe they will struggle through 2009, perhaps growing more surly as the US dollar inflates and their holdings of treasury bills begins to look more like a swindle.
Russia may be suffering economically for the moment due to the crash of oil prices, but they are energy resource-rich -- at least for the next couple of decades -- and if they don't like the current price, they can keep more of their oil in the ground until the price looks more attractive. I think Mr. Putin has the confidence of the Russian people and will survive the current malaise.
Japan remains a riddle wrapped in toasted nori. They're beggaring their own factory workers to stay solvent. Their banking sector has been zombified for a generation. They import 95 percent of the energy they use. Do they have a plan? One can imagine them sliding in resignation back to something like the sixteenth century, giving up the whole industrial circus as more trouble than it's worth, just as they once gave up on firearms.
The over-arching geopolitical theme of 2009 will be the end of robust globalism as we've known it for some time. Reduced trade, competition for energy resources, sore feelings over debts and currencies will drive the nations inward or, at least, direct their energies toward their own regions. Note to Tom Friedman: the world turned out to be round after all.
The big theme for 2009 economically will be contraction. The end of the cheap energy era will announce itself as the end of conventional "growth" and the shrinking back of activity, wealth, and populations. Contraction will come as a great shock to a world of conventionally programmed economists. They will toil and sweat to account for it, and they will probably be wrong. Unfortunately, this contraction will do its work in unpleasant ways, driving down standards of living, shearing away hopes and expectations for a particular life of comfort, and introducing disorder to so many of the systems we have depended on for so long. People will starve, lose their homes, lose incomes and status, and lose the security of living in peaceful societies. It will become clear that we can no longer sustain consumerism at the scale we had grown accustomed.
My hope for the year, at least for my own society, is that we will transition away from being a nation of complacent, distracted, over-fed clowns, to become a purposeful and responsible people willing to put their shoulders to the wheel to get some things done. My motto for the new year: "no more crybabies!"
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 8:10 PM 1 comments
Are Elected and Appointed Officials and Judges Committing Treason Agianst the People? YOU DECIDE...
As we near the end of 2008, the day is rapidly approaching when Congress shall convene to address the votes of the Electoral College as set forth in 3 USC, Title 3, Chapter 1, Section 15,
Congress shall be in session on the sixth day of January succeeding every meeting of the electors. The Senate and House of Representatives shall meet in the Hall of the House of Representatives at the hour of 1 o'clock in the afternoon on that day, and the President of the Senate shall be their presiding officer. Two tellers shall be previously appointed on the part of the Senate and two on the part of the House of Representatives, to whom shall be handed, as they are opened by the President of the Senate, all the certificates and papers purporting to be certificates of the electoral votes, which certificates and papers shall be opened, presented, and acted upon in the alphabetical order of the States, beginning with the letter A; and said tellers, having then read the same in the presence and hearing of the two Houses, shall make a list of the votes as they shall appear from the said certificates; and the votes having been ascertained and counted according to the rules in this subchapter provided, the result of the same shall be delivered to the President of the Senate, who shall thereupon announce the state of the vote, which announcement shall be deemed a sufficient declaration of the persons, if any, elected President and Vice President of the United states, and, together with a list of the votes, be entered on the Journals of the two Houses. Upon such reading of any such certificate or paper, the President of the Senate shall call for objections, if any.
Every objection shall be made in writing, and shall state clearly and concisely, and without argument, the ground thereof, and shall be signed by at least one Senator and one Member of the House of Representatives before the same shall be received. When all objections so made to any vote or paper from a State shall have been received and read, the Senate shall thereupon withdraw, and such objections shall be submitted to the Senate for its decision; and the Speaker of the House of Representatives shall, in like manner, submit such objections to the House of Representatives for its decision; and no electoral vote or votes from any State which shall have been regularly given by electors whose appointment has been lawfully certified to according to section 6 of this title from which but one return has been received shall be rejected, but the two Houses concurrently may reject the vote or votes when they agree that such vote or votes have not been so regularly given by electors whose appointment has been so certified.
If more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State shall have been received by the President of the Senate, those votes, and those only, shall be counted which shall have been regularly given by the electors who are shown by the determination mentioned in section 5 of this title to have been appointed, if the determination in said section provided for shall have been made, or by such successors or substitutes, in case of a vacancy in the board of electors so ascertained, as have been appointed to fill such vacancy in the mode provided by the laws of the State; but in case there shall arise the question which of two or more of such State authorities determining what electors have been appointed, as mentioned in section 5 of this title, is the lawful tribunal of such State, the votes regularly given of those electors, and those only, of such State shall be counted whose title as electors the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide is supported by the decision of such State so authorized by its law; and in such case of more than one return or paper purporting to be a return from a State, if there shall have been no such determination of the question in the State aforesaid, then those votes, and those only, shall be counted which the two Houses shall concurrently decide were cast by lawful electors appointed in accordance with the laws of the State, unless the two Houses, acting separately, shall concurrently decide such votes not to be the lawful votes of the legally appointed electors of such State.
But if the two Houses shall disagree in respect of the counting of such votes, then, and in that case, the votes of the electors whose appointment shall have been certified by the executive of the State, under the seal thereof, shall be counted. When the two Houses have voted, they shall immediately again meet, and the presiding officer shall then announce the decision of the questions submitted. No votes or papers from any other State shall be acted upon until the objections previously made to the votes or papers from any State shall have been finally disposed of.
More and more concerned Americans are contacting their U.S. Senators and Representatives regarding the likelihood that Barack Hussein Obama is not eligible to the office of president as required by Article II, Section 1, United States Constitution. One response concerned Americans are receiving follows along the lines that Barack Hussein Obama has presented his birth certificate and is eligible. Nothing could be further from the truth.
What follows are the undisputed facts concerning the eligibility of Barack Hussein Obama to the office of president. Any U.S. Senator or U.S. Representative is welcome to dispute these yet undisputed facts. In so doing, however, the American people demand that the evidence be produced:
1 - Barack Hussein Obama has not been vetted or certified eligible to the office of president of the United States by any agency tasked to do so or authorized to do so.
2 - Not one American citizen, not one Senator, not one Representative has seen, touched or examined Barack Hussein Obama’s vault copy Hawaii birth certificate. On October 31, 2008, Dr Chiyome Fukino, Department of Health, Hawaii, issued a press release in which she stated that she had "seen and verified" that a Hawaii birth certificate for Obama did exist; she did not state what was on it nor did she state that it showed that Obama was born in Hawaii.
3 - The Certification of Live Birth (COLB) that Obama has been waving about is not a "birth certificate" as he claims, as the mainstream media claims, as and claims. The COLB is a short form, computer printed document deriving the information printed thereon from a database of information supposedly (See #13 and #14 below) taken from the original long form vault copy Hawaiian birth certificate.
4 - claims to be a non-partisan organization. is funded by the Annenberg Foundation on whose board Obama sat. is about as non-partisan as is Obama. The Annenberg Foundation has never passed up a chance to fund a "progressive" (a.k.a., Marxist) cause.
5 - Hawaii has a law, HRS 338-17.8, which allows for the birth registration of a child born in a foreign country so long as one parent is a U.S. citizen and so long as that parent claimed Hawaii as his or her permanent residence for one year prior to the birth. Stanley Ann (Dunham) Obama met both of these requirements.
6 - If Obama was born in Hawaii, he is, at best, a dual citizen. At his birth, his father was a British subject as Kenya was a British colony. Dual citizenship precludes Obama from eligibility under Article II, Section 1, United States Constitution. Prior cases decided by the United States Supreme Court, involving the determination of "natural born" have used Vattel’s "The Law of Nations" definition which states, "The natives, or natural-born citizens, are those born in the country, of parents who are citizens." (Part I, Chapter 19, Section 212). states that Obama was a dual citizen at birth.
7 - If Obama was born in Kenya, he was, at birth, a British subject as Kenya was a British colony. American law, at that time, required that Stanley Ann (Dunham) Obama be a minimum of 19 years of age at his birth to confer to him her American citizenship if he was born outside the United States; she was only 18 years old when Obama was born.
8 - Barack Hussein Obama’s paternal step-grandmother has stated before witnesses, said witnesses signing affidavits, that she was witness to the birth of Obama in Kenya.
9 - Michelle Obama has stated that Barack Hussein Obama was adopted by his step-father, Lolo Soetoro, an Indonesian citizen.
10 - When Barack Hussein Obama was registered at the Fransiskus Assissi Primary School in Jakarta, Indonesia, his father was listed as Lolo Seotoro; his citizenship as Indonesian; his name as Barry Soetoro.
11 - When Stanley Ann (Dunham) Soetoro divorced Lolo Soetoro in 1980, the divorce papers show they had two children: one minor child (Maya), one over 18 (Barack).
12 - When Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, became an Indonesian citizen, his British citizenship would have been terminated; if he was born in Hawaii, also his American dual citizenship. Indonesia does not allow for dual citizenship.
13 - Returning to the COLB. This document, as waved about by Obama, may be authentic on its face (See #14), but it is not accurate. Were it accurate, it would show Lolo Soetoro as his father; his name as Barry Soetoro.
14 - The COLB Obama waves about lists the race of his biological father as "African." African is not a race any more than American is. This brings into question the authenticity of the COLB Obama is waving about as his "birth ."
15 - If Barack Hussein Obama, aka Barry Soetoro, did become an American citizen, he became a naturalized American citizen which precludes him from eligibility under Article 2, Section 1, United States Constitution. There has been no proof presented that he is even a naturalized American citizen.
16 - Barack Hussein Obama has multiple aliases: Barry Soetoro, Barry Dunham, Barry Obama, Barack Soetoro, Barack Dunham. When he registered with the American Bar Association, he listed none of these as is required by law. Unless he had his name legally changed to Barack Hussein Obama after his adoption, of which there has been no proof presented, Barry Soetoro is his real name and Barack Hussein Obama is an alias.
17 - All his passport records, education records, medical records, birth records have become "not available" to the public. Those records show where he was born, if he applied for or received aid as a foreign student, the country or countries from which he has received passports.
18 - His selective service registration appears to be fraudulent. If he was a naturalized American citizen when he turned 18, and he failed to register with the selective service, he is barred from holding any position in government, elected or otherwise.
19 - If he is not even a naturalized citizen, he is barred from holding any elected office.
20 - If he is not even a naturalized citizen, he is an illegal alien.
Every U.S. Senator and Representative has taken an oath of office to uphold and defend the U.S. Constitution. In consideration of the above undisputed facts and the failure of any body, agency, or office so tasked or so authorized, to vet Obama’s eligibility to the office of president; every U.S. Senator and Representative has a sworn duty to write, sign and file an objection in accordance with 3 USC, Title 3, Chapter 1, Section 15.
Another response concerned Americans are receiving from their U.S. Senators and Representatives claims that the eligibility issue has been addressed by several lawsuits which have all been dismissed. It is true the lawsuits have been dismissed, but every U.S. Senator and Representative making this claim also knows that these lawsuits have not been dismissed on merit but rather on standing, which does not mean the lawsuits do not have merit, that the evidence presented in these causes is not true. And what SCOTUS has denied, to date, has been the applications for injunction to stop the certifying of the election until said time as Obama produces the evidence proving his eligibility. If Congress refuses to uphold the U.S. Constitution on January 6, 2009, SCOTUS will then have the jurisdiction to move on the evidence. Whether they will or not is to be seen.
If SCOTUS refuses to deal with the issue before January 20, 2009, refuses to look at the evidence, then the U.S. Constitution will have been effectively subverted, and the only avenue left to the American people to protect their U.S. Constitution is set forth in the Declaration of Independence, in Congress, July 4, 1776,
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
John Adams, 1787
The people in America have now the best opportunity and the greatest trust in their hands that Providence ever committed to so small a number...if they betray their trust, their guilt will merit even greater punishment than other nations have suffered, and the indignation of Heaven....
Who will stand for the U.S. Constitution?
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 3:39 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Not political ..... but a fan made trailer of my favorite Xbox 360 game ever :)
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 11:14 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 19, 2008
U.S. Economy : The Philosopher's Stone ... LEAD to GOLD??? .... ARE YOU MAD YET ??? IMPORTANT MUST WATCH FOR ALL ( 10 mins
stop believing the bullshit coming from the mouths of the political elite of both parties .... listen to those who have been warning you for years - RON PAUL AND PETER SCHIFF .... BEST 10 min video any american could watch and contemplate on .... TAKE YOUR COUNTRY BACK ! NOW
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 9:37 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Corps of Engineers caught harassing citizens on Internet - big brother gets caught where it shouldnt be ...
I am not sure if even the reporters in this
segment researched the origin of the attacks enough ... becuase the army base this originated from is the biggest military INTELLIGENCE training base in america not a corp of engineer base ...
Ft Huachuca is the army intelligence headquarters in the US not a corp of engineer base ... why would army counter intelligence be harassing average citizens?
either way .... do you like big brother messing with US the citizens of this nation ... I DO NOT!
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 5:51 PM 0 comments
Kiss the Dollar Goodbye...
The Dollar Index is Crashing ( AS I PREDICTED IN MY POST 3 days AGO SEE BELOW ) ... its lost almost 12% this month and most of that in last few days ... IT IS IN FREEFALL
Whoa! You men paying attention? Stand up where you are, twist your body to the right, place your right hand in your back pocket, withdraw your wallet, pull out a green federal reserve note, lift it to your lips, and KISS THE DOLLAR GOOD-BYE!
You women will have to fish in your purses ten minutes to find your wallets, then dig out a buck and kiss it good-bye.
Not only have the Fed and the Treasury executed a coup d'etat and taken over the yankee government entire, the Fed reduced the Fed Funds rate to 0.5%, lowest level in history. But in case that doesn't work, they also have yet another new strategy: "quantitative easing." That is "Fedspeak" for printing money. Let the presses begin! Let there be money, and let it flood the hills & valleys, yea, let it flow into the shallowest pockets in the land, and let the desert economy bloom!
Folks, if any of y'all yet cling to the "deflationary" outcome, you had best let it go today. Although the economic outcome will be depression, the monetary outcome will be massive inflation, and quite likely, hyperinflation. The dollar will evaporate, while silver and gold prices will skyrocket, unless the laws of cause and effect have been repealed by a compliant congress.
All bets are off, friends, for any sort of peaceful landing. Every man for himself! Today your government and the private corporation that controls the economy and the money, the Federal Reserve, threw you, and the US dollar, out of the boat, with an anvil tied to your feet. Every one of us had better learn to swim.
As proof, bring forth the next exhibit, the US Dollar Index, which yesterday posted its biggest swing yet in a mighty long string of big swings, down a full 186 basis points to close at 80.22. Mercy! TODAY AT THIS MOMENT IT IS DOWN TO 78.5. This isn't currency exchange, it's Las Vegas. Stocks liked the lower dollar. The Dow rose 310 and the S&P500 37, but stocks still haven't broken out above the critical 9,000 Dow level.
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 9:12 AM 0 comments
When Gold Price Goes Above the 25-year Resistance at $850 and Above its 200 Day Moving Average $863.24, it's Off to the Races
Gold Price Close Today : $867.50 Change: $25.8 or 3.1%
Silver Price Close Today : $11.389 Change: 71 cents or 6.6%
Gold Silver Ratio: 76.17 Change: -2.648 or -3.4%
Dow Industrials: 8,824.34 Change: -99.80 or -1.1%
US Dollar Index Today: 78.60 Change: -1.62 or -2.0%
I expected the silver price to jump up once it crossed $10.50 resistance, but I wasn't expecting the Fed to execute the dollar. Yesterday's Fed antics cost the dollar another 155 basis points today to land it at 78.66.
That loss drove the silver price wild. It rose 71 cents to $11.389.The gold price gained $25.80, closing at $867.50. That takes the gold price above the 25-year resistance at $850, so it's off to the races as long as it stays above $850 for a couple of weeks. Most significant here is gold's crossing above its 200 day moving average ($863.24).
Bull markets are supposed to remain above their 200 DMA most of the time, dropping back to that 200 DMA only rarely. Driven by the last 5 months' financial turmoil, both silver and gold prices have fallen below their 200 DMAs, even their 300 DMAs. Thus gold's crossover looms all the more important. Not only must it rise above the 200 DMA, it needs to stay there.
The silver price has little substantial resistance between here and $13. That implies the rise to $13 ought to be fast. The silver price now stands above its 17 DMA and 50 DMA ($9.97), confirming that upward momentum. The 200 DMA lies far above at $14.27, but remember silver's mighty volatility and great speed when rallying. That price is possible by end-December or mid-January. Yes, the silver price will move fast, very fast.The GOLD/SILVER RATIO virtually collapsed today, falling from 78.893 to 73.905, five gigantic points. This alone signals great strength in metals, and fiery demand supporting them. First small support lies at 72.5, then 70.4, but a drop below 68 takes the ratio below the descending top boundary of the triangle the ratio broke out of when this debacle began, that would indicate that this summer's rise to 84.33 was a double top, and not a change of trend. Remember that the ratio shows the value of an ounce of gold in ounces of silver. As a bull market in silver and gold unfolds, that ratio should drop since silver climbs faster than gold over the bull market's life.
Ever notice how long and laborious is the climb to a fifth floor apartment with a large, weighty suitcase, and how quickly it reaches the ground when you push it out the 5th story window? So also the US DOLLAR INDEX chart. Although its rise was fast, still it was laborious, and hard to engineer. On the other hand, just one announcement the Fed is going to start printing money round the clock is enough to send the dollar index back under 79.
Read the handwriting --- nay, neon sign -- on the wall and get out of US Dollars.Stocks have crossed above their 50 DMA (Dow 8715). 4 to 6 month rally has begun, your very last chance to sell stocks before you get skinned. It MIGHT get back to 10,000 but will be tough going until HIGH INFLATION sets in. USE bounces to divest yourself of US stocks except SOLID MINING stocks if you must have stocks.
The above is Opinion only use information at your own risk.
Argentum et aurum comparenda sunt -- -- Gold and silver must be bought.
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 9:00 AM 0 comments
Monday, December 15, 2008
A CLEAR violation of the Posse Comitatus ACT by our own Government .... This is a dangerous precendent for FUTURE
Domestic Militarization Comes to San Bernardino County
The Marine Corps Air and Ground Combat Center (MCAGCC) Provost Marshal (head of a unit of military police) and the local California Highway Patrol office will begin working together 12/12 — and through the holiday season — in a joint effort to reduce accidents and drinking and driving.
The combined mutual cooperation between the Marine Corps Military Police and State enforcement officers will begin somewhere along Highway 62. The CHP will set up DUI roadblocks with the presence of Military Police.
A violation of the Posse Comitatus Act.
If you do not know or understand this LAW LOOK IT UP NOW~!
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 5:11 PM 0 comments
It is a MATHEMATICAL IMPOSSIBILITY for the dollar to remain high based on the sheer amount of dollars the PRINTING PRESSES HAVE FIRED OUT these past few months...
I believe this chart shows the clear peak of the US dollar and it is now posed for a monumental fall below 70.
This will be very very painful for Americans ...
RID yourself of all US DOLLAR denominated assets you can now before its too late...
A shining example of what the results could be once the printing presses are used in such a manner is the Weimar Republic 1919 - 1933. This lead to Hitlers eventual rise to power as the German Republic of old lost control of its currancy supply in order to pay down debt. The hyper inflation that ensued was catastrophic.
I recommend Gold and Silver or real assets such as real estate / land ( a great bargain at the moment )
Your US Dollars and anything paid in US dollars will soon be worth much much less becuase of the inflation tsunami heading our way.
You have been warned.
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 8:59 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Former Navy Seal and Governer of Minnesota, Jesse Ventura Exposes improper/illegal - CIA roles in State Government --
Former Governor Jesse Ventura exposes he was interrogated by more than 20 CIA agents during his term of office in Minnesota. Despite the CIA's mission statement which states they are not to be operational within the Unites States, Ventura stated that he had embedded CIA agents working in high level positions of the Minnesota state government. Ventura also said that when these agents retired, their replacements were already chosen for him by the CIA.
LINK -- VERY interesting Video - around 10 mins long
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 9:12 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
SICK ... the way the SECOND AMENDMENT IS being circumvented by the ANTI-GUN LOBBY NOW.... contact your representatives
Not sure where the other states not mentioned are on this Ammunition Accountability Law but this is extremely serious legislation to all those that participate in shooting sports, those in the reloading industry and manufacturing of reloading components.
This will affect us all and as individuals we need to contact those representatives that can keep this legislation at the state & federal level from taking placePending Legislation Regarding the Purchase of AmmunitionRemember how the Obamanation said that he wasn't going to take your guns?
Well, it seems that his minions and allies in the anti-gun world have no problem with taking your ammo! The bill that is being pushed in 18 states and requires all ammunition to be encoded by the manufacturer, a data base of all ammunition sales.
So they will know how much you buy and what calibers. Nobody can sell any ammunition a! fter June 30, 2009 unless the ammunition is coded. Any privately held uncoded ammunition must be destroyed by July 1, 2011. (Including handloaded ammo.)
They will also charge a .05 cent tax on every round so every box of ammo you buy will go up at least $2.50 or more! If they can deprive you of ammunition, they do not need to take your gun!
This legislation is currently pending in 18 states: Alabama, Arizona, California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Indiana, Kentucky, Maryland, Mississip! pi, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Washington.
To find more about the anti-gun group that is sponsoring this legislation and the specific legislation for each state, go to:
Contact your local representatives and let them hear your displeasure for this bill and any like it !!
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 11:50 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
There and Back Again ... How the world went from Gold to paper and why it will go back to gold ....
For THOUSANDS of years, much of the world had a single currency: gold. Gold was used as currency and to settle debts between nations. Paper currencies originated as warehouse certificates for gold and its cousin, silver.
However, that all changed in 1933, when President Roosevelt ordered all U.S. citizens to turn in their gold and silver to the government, under threat of a $100,000 fine and ten years in prison. In effect, Roosevelt seized all of the gold in America (except for rare coins, which were exempted), and for the next 41 years it was a crime for private citizens to own gold.
Despite this outrageous confiscation, nations continued to settle their debts with gold. That also changed, following World War II, when a new system, known as the Bretton Woods System (named after the town where the conference was held) was created.
Under Bretton Woods, the U.S. dollar was designated as the world's reserve currency, replacing gold. A system of fixed exchange rates between currencies was created. Only the dollar was convertible to gold, and only by foreign central banks. Other currencies could be converted to dollars at fixed rates. Because foreign currencies fluctuated in value against each other, in practice exchange rates had to be continually adjusted.
Initially, European countries experienced a serious "dollar shortage," and found it difficult to build up dollar reserves. Economist Henry Hazlitt argued that the problem was that European currencies were initially overvalued and the dollar undervalued. But rather than adjust the exchange rates, the U.S. instead flooded Europe with dollars (at U.S. taxpayer expense) in the form of foreign aid and loans.
So the Bretton Woods system ended up rewarding countries that depreciated their currencies. The result was global inflation on a massive scale. At one point, a 4 x 8 plot in downtown Tokyo – the size of a dining room table – cost US$1 million.
After a flood tide of inevitable devaluations, the situation was reversed, and dollars became overvalued. This enabled America to import more than it exported, paying for ever- growing imports with treasury securities created out of nothing.
As Richard Duncan explains in his recent book, The Dollar Crisis: Causes, Consequences, Cure, 'Under this arrangement, Americans are now freed from the ponderous burden of saving and the onerous requirement of first producing in order to later consume. Their consumption is offset by a growing indebtedness of the private sector and the Fed to foreigners. This state of affairs is unsustainable, and will come to an end with a deep fall in the exchange rate of the dollar relative to other currencies.'
"It is only a matter of time before the United States will not be creditworthy."
In the meantime, we have the bizarre situation in which it has been in the short-term interest of the U.S. government to keep the dollar weak, so that Americans can consume ever more without saving, thanks to foreigners buying our debt. At the same time, it has been in the interest of China, Japan and other governments to buy our debt to keep their own currency weak and their products cheap, enabling Americans to buy lots of them creating booming economies. But its all an illusion.
As Duncan explains, "In 2001, Chinas surplus with the US was equal to 7% of China's GDP. China's GDP growth that year was 8%. Without its trade surplus with the US, China's economy would have grown at a much slower pace – if at all." In 2003, the US account deficit "was the equivalent of almost 2% of global GDP. To put that into perspective, global GDP grew by less than 2% last year. So were it not for the US deficit, it is quite likely that the global economy would have actually contracted."
It will get worse ...
The world will do one of two things .... convince the world a fiat money system like we have had the last 100 years really is great even though its backed by nothing and we "the world" fall for it again ... or the new world RESERVE CURRANCY ( not the US dollar this time ) will be BACKED BY GOLD....
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 5:08 AM 0 comments
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Globalization - and what IT has done to AMERICA .... still want more free trade agreements?
The United States, as the world's leading industrial power, was particularly targetted, its scientific and technological capabilities, its manufacturing base, and the infrastructure painstakingly built up over generations, abandoned, in favor of the false promise of finance and the information age.
Once the most productive nation on Earth, we became a nation of borrowers, going deeper into debt with every passing year. As the debt grew, the bankers moved it into a virtual off-balance-sheet world, where speculation reigned. The result, over the years, was the growth of that multi-quadrillion-dollar abomination known as the derivatives market, a market which blew up in mid-2007, and took the global financial system with it.
We are now witnessing the death of that entire system, as banks, hedge funds, and others, frantically attempt to save themselves from the ramifications of that 2007 event. The kings of Wall Street, the giant investment banks, are all gone, either through failure, merger, or conversion to bank holding companies; and the collapse is spreading through the rest of the system, the hedge funds, private equity funds, the money market funds, et al.
The system itself is being liquidated, a huge pyramid scheme which has failed. The financial instruments that were once treated as if they had great value, have been revealed to be worthless.
Caught in the grip of an accelerating panic, the financial world is demanding that the world's central banks and governments turn on the printing presses and flood the system with money, far beyond what they have already done. It's not working, they scream, so we need more, more, more!
At the same time, the so-called real economy is in a tailspin, with jobs declining at record rates, industries collapsing, state and local governments facing growing budget deficits, home foreclosures soaring as prices fall, and a holiday shopping season showing every sign of being a disaster for retailers. The news is bad everywhere, so bad that the official announcement that we entered into a recession a year ago seems almost like comic relief. Almost--because the situation is deadly serious.
Why, despite the trillions of dollars thrown into the financial system over the past year, does the economy continue to collapse? Could it be that the approach we are taking is fundamentally wrong? Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson and other luminaries insist that the bailout policies are working, that we just have to give them time, but the results do not match their assertions.
As we have repeatedly shown, the so-called ``housing correction'' which Paulson insists is the root of the crisis, was caused by the banks, which used mortgage debt as fuel for the derivatives bubble. It was the derivatives bubble which blew out, taking the mortgage market with it
More importantly, the attempt to resolve the crisis by throwing money at it is fundamentally incompetent. No purely financial solution is possible, no matter how much money we print, for the solution lies in the realm of physical economy. If we are to survive, we must change the discussion to physical economy, and the rebuilding of our infrastructure and productive base, using new physical principles.
The holders of these worthless instruments, however, are not going quietly to meet their fate. Instead, they have demanded, and received, huge bailouts from the governments, and the people. It is the largest transfer of wealth in history, the biggest swindle ever--but still they want more.
The British are leading the charge, calling for the central banks to ``print'' as much money as required to cover the losses. They know full well that such actions would create a hyperinflationary explosion, but they don't care. They want their money, and they want it now. The good folks at HSBC, the bank that says we need a new Hjalmar Schacht, is openly demanding that the presses be fired up, and that the Fed begin buying corporate bonds, in addition to mortgage-backed and asset-backed securities. The London Economist has demanded an end to the supposed ``cautious incrementalism'' of the bailout, as if $8 trillion in one year was not wildly insane already.
In the United States, the Democrats are discussing a new stimulus in the $500 billion range, with some economists calling for $1 trillion or more. Federal Reserve chairman Ben Bernanke, long a believer in the printing press approach, gave a speech Nov. 21, 2002, to the National Economists Club in Washington, in which he noted that ``the U.S. government has a technology, called a printing press (or, today, its electronic equivalent), that allows it to produce as many U.S. dollars as it wishes at essentially no cost,'' and can always defeat deflation by creating money. ``Injections of money,'' he said, ``will ultimately always reverse a deflation.''
Under the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act, Treasury has created a ``Systemically Significant Failing Institutions Program,'' in the hopes of stopping the failure of any single institution from triggering a chain reaction collapse.
At this point, the Fed and the Treasury are keeping parts of the system functioning on life-support, but they are losing ground, as the damage spreads far beyond their ability to contain it.
- Carnage -
The pending collapse of the domestic auto sector, led by claims that General Motors will not last the month without a government bailout, is just the most dramatic element in what is a widespread economic collapse. Roughly half of America's companies have credit ratings below investment grade, a polite way of saying junk.
The wreckage of the economy is also reflected in the employment figures released today by the Federal government, which show unemployment skyrocketting, and jobs falling across a large spectrum of the workforce. The employment numbers are notoriously massaged--the true unemployment rate is about double the official rate--and the categories are routinely adjusted to hide the collapse of manufacturing employment, but even so, the official numbers show a disturbing trend. The economy is in free fall.
As employment falls, home foreclosures will rise even faster, as will defaults on credit cards and other household debts. This will cause further losses to the banks, who will restrict credit even more, which will cause further job losses, and on and on, in a vicious death spiral.
The attempt to solve this by printing money will not stop the deflation of financial ``assets,'' but will trigger hyperinflation; and the lunatic calls for what amounts to unlimited money will destroy the dollar, and what is left of our economy.
There is a way to stop this collapse, but it involves letting go of the illusion that the funny money can be saved, and taking the discussion out of the realm of finance, and into the realm of physical economy. We cannot save, and must not try to save, the fictitious values of the derivatives market, and of all the securities it made possible. Instead, we must turn our attention to saving people, by protecting the essential elements upon which human life depends. What good is a derivative, when you have no food or electricity?
We must stop this insane bailout while we still can, before the hyperinflation destroys the dollar. It can still be avoided, if we put reason ahead of greed, and humanity ahead of money.
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 4:36 AM 0 comments
Friday, December 5, 2008
America you need to wake up and recognize the liberties your losing day by day .... Swat Team conducts food raid in rural Ohio
On Monday, December 1, a SWAT team with semi-automatic rifles entered the private home of the Stowers family in LaGrange, Ohio, herded the family onto the couches in the living room, and kept guns trained on parents, children, infants and toddlers, from approximately 11 AM to 8 PM. The team was aggressive and belligerent. The children were quite traumatized. At some point, the “bad cop” SWAT team was relieved by another team, a “good cop” team that tried to befriend the family. The Stowers family has run a very large, well-known food cooperative called Manna Storehouse on the western side of the greater Cleveland area for many years.
There were agents from the Department of Agriculture present, one of them identified as Bill Lesho. The search warrant is reportedly supicious-looking. Agents began rifling through all of the family’s possessions, a task that lasted hours and resulted in a complete upheaval of every private area in the home. Many items were taken that were not listed on the search warrant. The family was not permitted a phone call, and they were not told what crime they were being charged with. They were not read their rights. Over ten thousand dollars worth of food was taken, including the family’s personal stock of food for the coming year. All of their computers, and all of their cell phones were taken, as well as phone and contact records. The food cooperative was virtually shut down. There was no rational explanation, nor justification, for this extreme violation of Constitutional rights.
Presumably Manna Storehouse might eventually be charged with running a retail establishment without a license. Why then the Gestapo-type interrogation for a 3rd degree misdemeanor charge? This incident has raised the ominous specter of a restrictive new era in State regulation and enforcement over the nation’s private food supply.
This same type of abusive search and seizure was reported by those innocents who fell victim to oppressive federal drug laws passed in the 1990s. The present circumstance raises the obvious question: is there some rabid new interpretation of an existing drug law that considers food a controlled substance worthy of a nasty SWAT operation? Or worse, is there a previously unrecognized provision(s) pertaining to food in the Homeland Security measures? Some have suggested that it was merely an out-of-control, hot-to-trot ODA agent, and, if so, this would be a best-case scenario. Anything else might spell the beginning of the end for the freedom to eat unregulated and unmonitored food.
One blogger familiar with the Ohio situation has reported that:
“Interestingly, I believe they [Manna Storehouse] said a month or so ago, an undercover ODA official came to their little store and claimed to have a sick father wanting to join the co-op. Both the owner and her daughter-in-law had a horrible feeling about the man, and decided not to allow him into the co-op and notified him by certified mail. He came back to the co-op demanding to be part of it. They refused and gave him names of other businesses and health food stores closer to his home. Not coincidentally, this man was there yesterday as part of the raid.”
The same blog also noted that the Ohio Department of Agriculture has been chastised by the courts in several previous instances for its aggression, including trying to entrap an Amish man in a raw milk “sale,” which backfired when it became known that the Amish believe in a literal interpretation of “give to him that asketh thee, and from him that would borrow of thee turn not thou away” (Matthew 5:42)
The issue appears to be the discovery of a bit of non-institutional beef in an Oberlin College food service freezer a year ago that was tracked down by a county sanitation official to Manna Storehouse. Oberlin College’s student food coop is widely known for its strident ideological stance about eating organic foods. It seems that the Oberlin student food cooperative had joined the Manna Storehouse food cooperative in order to buy organic foods in bulk from the national organic food distributor United, which services buying clubs across the nation. The sanitation official, James Boddy, evidently contacted the Ohio Department of Agriculture. After the first contact by state ODA officials, Manna Storehouse reportedly wrote them a letter requesting assistance and guidelines for complying with the law. This letter was never answered. Rather, the ODA agent tried several times to infiltrate the coop, as described above. When his attempts failed, the SWAT team showed up!
Food cooperatives and buying clubs have been an active part of the American landscape for over a generation. In the 1970s, with the rise of the organic food industry (a direct outgrowth of the hippie back-to-nature movement) food coops started up all over the country. These were groups of people who freely associated for the purpose of combining their buying power so that they could order organic food items in bulk and case lots. Anyone who was part of these coops in the early era will remember the messy breakdown of 35 pounds of peanut butter and 5 gallon drums of honey!
These buying clubs have persisted and flourished over the years due to their ability to purchase high quality organic foods at reduced prices in bulk quantities. Most cooperatives have participated greatly in the local agrarian economies, supporting neighborhood organic farmers with purchases of produce, eggs, chickens, etc. The groups also purchase food from a number of different local, regional and national distributors, many of them family-based businesses who truck the food themselves. Some of these food cooperatives have become large enough to set up mini-storefront operations where members can drop in and purchase items leftover from case lot sales. Manna Storehouse had established itself in such a manner, using a small enclosed breezeway attached to their home. It was a folksy place with old wooden floors where coop members stopped by to chat and snack on bags of organic corn chips.
The state of Ohio boasts the second largest Amish population in the country. Many of the Amish live on acreages where they raise their own food, not unlike Manna Storehouse, and sell off the extras to neighbors and church members. There is a sense of foreboding that this state crackdown on a longstanding, reputable food cooperative operation could adversely impact the peaceful agrarian way of life not only for the Amish, but homeschoolers and those families living off the land on rural acreages. It raises the disturbing possibility that it could become a crime to raise your own food, buy eggs from the farmer down the road, or butcher your own chickens for family and friends – bustling activities that routinely take place in backwater America.
The freedom to purchase food directly form the source is increasingly under attack. For those who have food allergies and chemical intolerances, or who are on special medical diets, this is becoming a serious health issue. Will Americans retain the right to purchase food that is uncontaminated by pesticides, herbicides, allergens, additives, dyes, preservatives, MSG, GMOs, radiation, etc.? The melamine scare from China underscores the increasingly inferior and suspect quality of modern processed institutional foods. One blog, commenting on the bizarre and troubling Manna Storehouse situation, observed that:
“No one is saying exactly why. At the same time the FDA says it it safe to eat the 40% of tainted beef found in Costco's and Sam's all over the nation. These farm raids are very common now. Every farmer needs to fully eqiped [sic] for the possibility of it happening to them. The Farmer To Consumer Legal Defense Fund was created just for this purpose. The USDA just released their plans to put a law into action that will put all small farmers out of business. Animals for the sale of meat or milk will only be allowed in commercial farms, even the organic ones.”
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 9:29 PM 0 comments
Thursday, December 4, 2008
One of the most IMPORTANT concepts you could ever grasp....
What the heck is GD2?
Simply, “Great Depression 2.”
But as the famous physicist, Neil Bohr, once remarked, “Prediction is very difficult, especially about the future.”
However, just because something is difficult does not mean that we shouldn’t try to get a handle on it, especially on something dire that concerns our future, or attempt to read the “handwriting on the wall” to use an old Biblical expression.
Using my long ago analogy by calling the ship of state (financial and economic affairs) of the U.S. as the U.S.S. Titanic, America has already scrapped that massive iceberg: there is a huge gaping hole on the starboard side of the U.S.S. Titanic!
The U.S.S. Titanic encountered this iceberg during the week of October 6, 2008. Everything that happens afterwards and in the immediate days, weeks, months, and even years following is just governments and their corrupt, criminal fiends on Wall Street and elsewhere going through the motions. Like the band that kept playing aboard the real R.M.S. Titanic, the politicians and the “captains of industry” will paint a bright and rosy picture for the third-class passengers aboard the U.S.S. Titanic, while they all don on their financial life jackets and run like hell for the very few financial lifeboats!
What do you think the $850 billion TARP (“Troubled Asset Recovery Program”) was for?
Then visualize life jackets embossed with the letters “TARP” on the back!
Buried in a report from on November 12 titled “Stocks plunge for third straight session” was the following incredible statement: “According to the Dow Jones Wilshire 5000 index [which reflects the value of almost all U.S. stocks], Wednesday’s [November 12] paper losses amounted to about $600 billion. By that measure, the [U.S.] stock market has shed $9.1 trillion since the index’s Oct. 9, 2007, peak.” The bolded emphasis in mine. The Dow Industrial Average or Dow, which is comprised of 30 “blue chip” stocks, closed out at 8,262 on November 12, and was at 8,046 at the close on November 21, so the estimate of $9.1 trillion of financial losses since October 9 is a pretty close guess, if not a conservative one.
Ten thousand words, 30 reasons, and one final shoe
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. The above fotos should qualify for at least ten thousands!
But if you still can’t get your thinking wrapped around the fact that we are headed for a great depression the likes of which no man or woman has ever experience in history, perhaps Paul B. Farrell’s article called “30 Reasons for Great Depression 2 by 2011” might provide you with that sobering, wake-up, cold shower.
This is one more, the elephant standing in the room that only a very few are talking about. The final shoe that will drop concerns the very likely great bond collapse in 2009.
Blogger “rich2010” probably wrote the best warning about this in on November 21. His post is called “What’s The Next Big Thing For 2009?” and he talks about how the U.S. has been able to finance its trillions of dollars of debt without having to print all the money to do so (bolded emphasis is mine):
The Federal Reserve created $1 Trillion USD from 1913 until Sept 18, 2008 since then they have created another 1 Trillion in two months and are on track to create another 1 Trillion before the end of 2008. All of this debt has to be sold into the bond market in 2009 which frankly I doubt can happen.
About five years back I began scrutinizing US T-bill holdings. Three years ago to my great surprise it appeared that both China and Japan had stopped accumulating US debt. Out of nowhere came a new category of buyers referred to as “Carribean Banks” [sic]. My understanding is that this is a nice euphemism for FED-owned hedge funds who serve as a shill buyer to keep up the appearance of demand for US debt. This practice represents monetarization of US debt. Simply put, the money gets printed in the absence of a real live bond buyer.
In the years since Richard Nixon closed the FED’s gold window in 1971 the US government has convinced foreigners to accept more bonds to roll over the debt, and more bonds in “payment” of the interest owed. The question is what happens when the foreigners want to be paid in something other than more US debt. This tipping point should usher in the Great Bond Market Collapse of 2009. Most writers worth reading identify this as a signal of the coming hyperinflation.
I came to the exact same conclusion when I saw this data in mid 2005 that the U.S. was buying some of its own debt through the secretive hedge funds located in the Caribbeans including the Bahamas, Bermuda, Cayman Islands, Netherlands Antilles, and Panama. But I also concluded that the U.K. was lending a helping hand through the British hedge funds located in the Channel Islands and Isle of Man: their numbers are all lumped into those of the U.K.’s purchases of U.S. Treasuries.
To be 100 percent clear: the United States of America is buying its own debt--the U.S. Treasuries or bonds that it dumps to the world to finance all the trillions of dollars of deficit spending--with its fake money through the secretive hedge funds it controls in the Caribbeans.
When this colossal financial con game is up, i.e., when the world learns about this and stops buying U.S. debt and starts to unload the U.S. bonds that they are currently holding (of the $1.82 trillion total of U.S. Treasuries outstanding at the end of September, 2008, China holds $585.0 billion, Japan holds 573.2 billion, U.K. holds 338.4 billion, “Caribbean Banking Centers” hold 185.3 billion, “Oil Exporters” hold 182.2 billion, and Brasil holds $141.9 billion), the U.S. will be forced to resort to printing all the money to buy its own debt, and hyperinflation like that of Weimar Germany in the 1920s will result.
The master of trends Gerald Celente of the Trends Research Institute is a master of trend forecasting with a proven track record. He has literally appeared on every television and radio program in the U.S. So accurate are his forecasts that CNN Headline News had this to say, “When CNN wants to know about the Top Trends, we ask Gerald Celente.”'
The Wall Street Journal, not to be outdone, said this about his institute, “Those who take their predictions seriously . . . consider the Trends Research Institute.”
Mr. Celente successfully predicted the 1997 Asian currency crisis, the current subprime mortgage mess, the collapse of the Dot Com bubble to within one month of when it happened, the ensuing quagmire of the Iraq War (before the war started), and the “Panic of 2008” in November, 2007.
He had the following to say on the Jeff Rense Radio Program recently. I am paraphrasing the gist of his warning concerning the huge difference and severity between the Great Depression of the 1930s and GD2 (“the deepest depression that we have ever seen in living times”): why this time around, it is a lot worse.
Back then, most people did not own homes. There were no such things as home equity loans. If you has a second mortgage, you were considered a loser.
Back then, people didn’t have credit cards.
Back then, they weren’t $14 trillion in debt.
Back then, the U.S. had trade surpluses, not $700 billion trade deficits each year.
Back then, the U.S. wasn’t fighting two losing wars that cost already over $2 trillion.
Back then, the U.S. wasn’t running budget deficits approaching $1 trillion each year.
Back then, when the U.S. did get out of the depression with WW II, there was a manufacturing base to build the U.S. out.
And back then, people did not see their entire life savings eaten up in their worthless IRAs and 401k’s.
Enjoy The Holidays 2008
To provide further evidence, as if the evidence given above and from what you can glean from the corporate mass media are not sufficient, as to the extreme dire straits that is facing the U.S. and the very likelihood of GD2 occurring very soon, I have taken liberty to include an extensive excerpt from my ebook, NO Foreclosures!, that was written in July 2008 (I have also taken the license to forgo most of the footnotes that are included in the ebook). As you probably will realize after reading this excerpt, that even in the short 3 or 4 months since those words were written, with the exception of the temporary rise of the USD and the temporary drop in gas and food prices, everything else have accelerated for the worse.
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 6:46 PM 0 comments
Keystone Cops, Border Patrol --- IMMIGRATION CONTROL AT WORK ... WOOT :)
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 2:51 AM 0 comments
What do you suppose our founding fathers meant by these statements? CHRUCH AND STATE.........
PAY PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO JEFFERSON since the separation of church and state as its known in america in 2008 is totally based off one letter Jefferson wrote to a congregation ...
I DARE SAY HE WOULD NEVER HAVE WROTE THE LETTER if he had but a glimpse of what that letter was used to implement in America ....
SEPERATION of CHURCH AND STATE is not in the constitution. That phrase only exist in a letter Jefferson wrote 30 years after the revolution....
The highest glory of the American Revolution was this - that it connected, in one indissoluble bond, the principles of civil government with the principles of Christianity."
- John Quincy Adams
"The Bible is the cornerstone of liberty. A student's perusal of the sacred volume will make him a better citizen, a better father, a better husband."
- Thomas Jefferson
"The Bible is the rock on which our Republic rests."
- Andrew Jackson
"In my view, the Christian religion is the most important and one of the first things in which all children, under a free government, ought to be instructed."
- Noah Webster
"We have staked the future of American civilization upon the capacity of each and all of us to govern ourselves according to the Ten Commandments of God."
- James Madison
"He who shall introduce into public affairs the principles of primitive Christianity will change the face of the world."
- Benjamin Franklin
"It can not be emphasized too strongly or too often that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by Christians, not on religions but on the gospel of Jesus Christ."
- Patrick Henry
"The religion which has introduced civil liberty is the religion of Christ and His this we owe our free constitutions of government."
- Noah Webster
"Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed the conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?"
- Thomas Jefferson
"Whereas it is the duty of all nations to acknowledge the providence of Almight God, to obey his will, to be grateful for his benefits, and humbly implore His protection and favor."
- George Washington
"Suppose a nation in some distant Region should take the Bible for their only law book, and every member should regulate his conduct by the precepts there exhibited.... What a utopia, what a paradise would this region be."
- John Adams
"Our constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other."
- John Adams
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 2:28 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Fractional Reserve Banking - A.K.A. COUNTERFEITING
Your bank is a counterfeiter, as facilitated by the Federal Reserve System and permitted by the government that allegedly represents you.
The lie of fractional reserve banking is at the heart of our ‘banking' system. And its acceptance as fact or necessity by the world's populace is the basis on which most other economic lies and myths gain so much credibility.
To understand why we're in so much trouble right now, and why the privately owned Federal Reserve Banks are to blame, one must understand fractional reserve banking, and why it amounts to little more than counterfeiting.
King Edward II, Goldsmiths and
"Legal" Counterfeiting
For all of history through the 1800s, goldsmiths were the world's primary bankers. It made sense in those hard money days to keep your gold with the fellow who molded it into coins and acted as the community's central cash register.
So here we have the goldsmiths...guardians of bullion and protectors of everyone's wealth. I've personally always seen this as the primary function of a bank.
But just guarding money and issuing certificates for it...I suppose it just didn't pay as well as it could. That and you always end up with a huge pile of cash (gold) that's just sitting around and not really doing anything other than backing promissory notes. So the goldsmiths got crafty, and at this point they became the bankers we know today.
They started issuing more certificates than they could back in gold, allowing them to collect interest on the physical gold collecting dust in their that already belonged to someone else. But weren't there already certificates attached to that gold? Of course. But the bankers believed those certificates wouldn't all be cashed in at the exact same time, so they could get by and no one would ever be the wiser.
This is the critical point in our story, and at few points in history has the difference between right and wrong been so very clear.
The value of goldsmith's notes was in the gold behind them. So when they issue a new note backed by...well backed by nothing other than the supposition that they'd have enough inventory to pay it off if it fell through...they were engaging in wishful thinking, at best. Ladies and gentlemen, I give you irrational exuberance. At the very core of our banking system.
But how could the goldsmiths get away with such blatant counterfeiting? Didn't anyone realize that they were pulling wealth from thin air, that they were trading worthless notes for valuable goods? Well, the governments knew. Why didn't they do anything to stop the goldsmiths?
Put clearly; it wasn't in the interest of the world's ruling monarchs to stop them. King Charles II of England had his own con game going with the where they traded him physical gold for sticks of wood (I'm not kidding at all...we'll be covering government debt next week.)
So by complying with the government's con games and ponzi schemes, the goldsmiths earned themselves a back-scratching from the world's monarchs, received in the form of Fractional Reserve Banking.
The Whole World Falling for the Same Tricks...500 years later
And so we arrive at the modern-day. The Dollar is the world's reserve currency, making us in some sense the world's goldsmith. And we have a Federal Reserve System - composed of privately owned member banks - that represents how cloudy and convoluted the relationship between governments and banks has become in the last half-millennium.
But somehow, the world economy keeps falling for the same scam.
You see, the Federal Reserve controls not only the interest rate at which banks are allowed to lend, but the fractional reserve ratios they're required to keep (as a percentage of their reserves).
Let's backpedal for a second here...make it even simpler. An institution composed of banks and their representatives is in control of not only our money supply, but the amount of new money (in the form of loans issued) that banks are allowed to ‘counterfeit' and the interest they're required to charge on those conjured-from-nowhere dollars.
Interest rates - when the decision is left to the borrower and the lender - represent the time preferences and assumed risk of borrower and lender. Like the price of any other good, the interest rate of a loan ideally represents a compromise for both parties in terms of time and risk.
But when the government intervenes with a mandated interest rate (like Greenspan's sub-zero "liquidity experiment") those decisions to lend and borrow are often made with little or no consideration to time and risk. Since the money is cheap, free, or the government might even be paying you to take it, incentives are changed across the board.
And then fractional reserve banking comes in. Since the banks only have to keep a percentage of their reserves - a ratio set by an institution they own...making them essentially self-governing - these ridiculously low interest rates spur the banks into a lending frenzy.
Lending to and from each other, commercial interests and private parties, the banks go hog-wild. Without the restraint of reasonable lending costs, they lend as much credit against your money as humanly possible, flooding the economy with fresh dollars that never existed before.
Euphoria takes over. Of course housing prices will continue to go up when the pool of dollars chasing those houses is growing so rapidly...that's just common sense. But many of us bought into it, in some way or another. And that's what makes the coming correction so painful.
The M3 Chart:
Ever wonder why the government dropped it a few years ago?
Because of the one-two punch of mandated interest rates and fractional reserve banking, an epic amount of bad business decisions are inevitably made. That's a simple truth of matter who tries to ignore it.
But what can I do?
Well, it's pretty easy actually. Just don't believe all the hype, take everything with a grain of salt, and make your own decisions. I'm not telling you to protest at your local federal reserve bank, I'm just saying you should use reason and that you shouldn't take most things at face value.
Like when the keepers of our national pocketbook - and thereby our national sovereignty - are run by the very banks they're supposed to govern, and those banks (whose original purpose was to guard the money of the people) have a balance sheet that looks like this:
You should be asking questions.
When our government gives a US$25 Billion bailout to Citigroup, and then the company's market capitalization is listed at around US$20 Billion shortly before the company is taken should certainly be asking questions.
When Detroit's CEOs fly to Washington in separate luxury jets, and they beg for US$25 Billion in bailout money for companies with a combined market capitalization of less than US$10 should be asking questions.
There's a heist going on out there...and plans are afoot. Through the careful control of information sources, those in power can control the actions of the masses. But you don't have to be a part of the masses.
To make the difference and speak out on the part of personal sovereignty.
Regardless of whether you voted for the current President. Regardless of whether or not you like or even trust our country's political and economic systems. You need to give this special information enough of your time to understand the grim situation you could be facing. Not just for your sake, but for the sake of the Sons & Daughters of America, now being laden with years and years of debt.
Posted by Ryan Renshaw at 7:12 PM 0 comments